
I write occasionally.   This is it

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I Remember

I remember the times of softness
your touch and kisses filling me with joy
I remember your eyes, bright and deep
a place to retreat into your tenderness
I remember your face, looking down into my eyes
longing, need, a pleading kind of joy that saturated me with love
I remember the walks, the talks, the places you took me
you pointing at this and that, the water, the sky, the dead fish on the shore
I remember you before the darkness came and shrouded you with gloom
the times when your light shined so brightly even you could see it!
a time when you allowed my love to come in and touch you
I remember now that the darkness was always there, hidden from my view
it is you…
choosing to keep it, choosing to let it go only for a time
a mantle, a cloak, a choice to embrace.
make haste, my friend lest you forget your own brightness completely and
remain lost in the nether world where reality is the shadow and your soul becomes solid
I remember you. 
I would grieve for you but cannot.  You choose this place,
you choose to wear your pain and your darkness like a fine Sunday suit.
I can love you but cannot undress you.
Instead, I will remember… the joy, the beauty, the wonder that is you. 
I choose to see you naked in your glory.  Sober on the beach and reflecting back to the sun.

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the Trophy

I went for a stroll to find my heart
imagine the path, littered in part
with light and dark and tremendous vines
crushed and scattered, I could find no line
I took this trophy, he didn’t mind. 
swift and sure, the strike did find
a way to break that timid connection, leaving behind
the body without a care, I dare
what to do with the trophy in hand?
it is not what was sought, on the path, in this land
so strolling along, looking again
to find my heart, to hold his hand~

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The Mirror

I look in the mirror…who is there?
tell me you’re coming home
that the marching band plays for you
quick before I go!  I must know!
youthful days, visions of tomorrows
longing to share sunrises, sunsets, nights of passion
knowing the march to the end would come,
but too soon it is time to kiss the evening’s shadow
could you watch me die, my love?
watch  the tide recede, the ship sail to far shores
a mirage and a dream
angry at the injustice that is not
the last lingering feeling, your touch, your love
you in the middle, me at the end.

time betrays us, love wanting to be consumated,
the passing into tomorrows, leaving only memories
of what might have been

could you watch me die, my love?
know that I love you as the ship sails away~

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on Love and Spiritual Journeys

3/17/06, revised 8/21/08

On Love and Spiritual Journeys

I will attempt to explain my views on love and spiritual journeys in an informal and loosely connected manner, for the words for explanation are not easily found. Perhaps the best place to start is with Love. Love has many meanings for us all. I love you. Most understand loving someone and not being in love. So, let us start there. Since we usually speak best from our own experiences, then this is where I will start. Loving “people” is not really an easy thing to do. John Lennon said, “Humanity I love, It is people I can’t stand. This is the trap of most humans… they cannot get past people. It was where I started, where many started. People. They just tend to piss us off. Ignorance and judgments, slothfulness and apathy, discontent with themselves, they always seem to be talking about the shortcomings of others. Most get trapped in this spiral and rarely seek a remedy, as a problem is not recognized.

“Great Minds talk about ideas, average minds talk about events, small minds talk about people.” Herman Rickover 1959

I am no different than the masses. People just pissed me off. Hell, I pissed myself off… and then things changed. Self-examination ultimately led to the examination of others–not for the purpose of judging or condemning, but for understanding. Thru understanding, love was born for others. Jesus once said if we could but learn to understand our fellow beings, we could come to love them. I wanted this understanding, wanted to love my fellow man, but being young, inexperienced and naïve, I had no idea of the journey on which I had embarked. Have you ever heard of “magical thinking?” It fits here. That wishing and wanting for some things to be a certain way and believing that simply because of the wish and want, that thing will be that way. It is not. None the less, with practice and ever seeking for deeper levels of understanding, I have been able to find love in my heart for many. Humanity, as a whole, is still easier to love, but more and more people can now be embraced in love. Being open to this love allows connections to be made. Some connections are transient and last only for the moments of immediate encounters, some last a bit longer, lingering into the passing moments and future moments. Other connections–for whatever reason–seem to “stick” to varying degrees and with varied ramifications. This includes a “sense” of the person to whom I become connected, and is true for others who ‘connect.’ How is a connection formed that is more concrete than those fleeting connections of the moment? All I know of this is that energy is involved in all connections. Some of the waves of energy are like thin tendrils that float into others, some waves have more substance. The greater the substance, the greater the connection. And… Sometimes the connection literally vibrates with energy exchanged…

With some… I open my energy towards them and they are receptive. The energy has substance and the connection is felt. With communication and words written, a bond begins to form in the substance of the energy… there is honesty, genuineness… two people being real across time and space. With any “real” relationship, it is quite easy to love the person. Some are easy to love, they are real, genuine, honest, and as open as is needed for two distant souls to find love in one another. It is a “human” love… the love of one human for another, borne of the qualities which make a relationship meaningful and real. It is a “spiritual” love that transcends human qualities. If you think about it, it really is not so strange. All of us exist in this world, linked thru a greater being. Friends, lovers, brothers, sisters, fellow travelers on this planet. I tend to see the best in people as I look for the best. These are things we can see in other people, only most of the time we do not go beyond our private space and time to allow ourselves to feel others in a deep and meaningful manner. We look only at the surface of another and if that surface does not reflect what we wish to see, we move on. If we take the time to see and feel a bit deeper, connections get made with people. Sometimes the opportunity to make these connections is missed. With some, it is not missed. The dance begins in one way, and IF a person is open to the changing nature of a dance, the connection remains and will last. You can chose to let it go when the tempo changes. A choice to let the dance continue speaks volumes for one’s depth and character. There is much of many (looks at ***) that is not revealed easily. The river of his being runs deeper than even those closest to him are awares… in fact, in it’s depths, he even hides from himself some times. Links, connections… can bring different dimensions to our lives; dimensions that can expand us spiritually and assist us in being more real, more genuine. Real love carries the purity of love inherent with respect, care, and concern for a fellow traveler here on planet earth. No judgments, no criticisms, no conditions–just the care of one another, devoid of trappings in the human tendency to exploit another for self. Connections at a “distance” can be invaluable in the sense that they are ‘safe’ connections in the absence of physical proximity there is little risk of rejection for physical reasons and the essence of a relationship can be come more real than with those who sit next to us in time and space.

Most want to love and be loved…unconditionally and it is a journey that carries many risks. The deepest fear of most is: “if you really knew me, you would not love me.” So, the journey of love begins with love and acceptance of one’s self… and how do you love yourself when terrible/horrible/awful things have happened TO you… or… you have done terrible/horrible awful things here on earth? I have not the answer, for there is no single answer, and it CAN be done. What has ‘happened’ to us is not who we are… what we have ‘done’ is not who we are. All things are nothing more, nothing less than part of the threads that make up who we can ‘be’. Choices…it is about choices… Personally, I “choose” to use all experiences to enrich who I am at this moment, and further to turn both the things that have happened to me and the things that I have done…turn them into experiences that help me be a better being TODAY.

On Spiritual Journeys

It has been said that we needs be careful of our desires… desire with love will bear fruit, desire with passion will bear fruit, desire with our deepest longings will bear fruit… If we are unawares of our desires… how can we be aware of the direction our desires take us? How can we know when the object of our desires is at hand, that a door has opened giving forth the opportunity? How can we know that fulfillment is within reach?

There can be no journey–either spiritual or otherwise without awareness. Without awareness, life becomes a series of events–disconnected, disjointed, chaotic, and usually meaningless. One day into another with no understanding of how who we are today is the totality of all our thoughts, experiences, and actions to this point. Rather than an endless connected journey towards the Christ (perfection), it is often a constant and frustrating battle to get past obstacles that block a current wish, meaningless attainment of material fulfillment, punctuated with fleeting moments of intense satisfaction that has no lasting value. It is “Spirituality” that lends meaning and depth to our being, adds dimension and substance to our life, our journey. It is spirituality that makes life a journey rather than a series of destinations reached without understanding.

Spirituality is what drives a person to seek meaning in life. The word “spirit” in Hebrew means ’breath.’ In other words, spirituality can mean those things that give us life or breath; they are the elements that give us reasons to live, purpose amidst seemingly purposeless events, serenity when chaos reigns around us. Spirituality is what fills the empty void in our lives. Words such as emptiness, loneliness, fear, confusion, abandonment, anger, and hurt are the terms which describe the voids we feel. Our spirituality is what fills these voids.

Embarking on a spiritual journey is best taken with full knowledge of it’s purpose. Only with this knowledge can we allow the Christ force to guide our steps. Without awareness, we walk in darkness and a dream, deceived by false pretenses and flesh driven desires. Know your heart. Know what you truly desire. Know where it is you wish to go at the deepest levels of your being. Know these things, for even now you move to their fruition. If you can combine awareness with the opportunities that present, then–and only then–will life become a series of spiritual journeys, unending and moving into one another, with spiritual growth being produced as you both sow and plant seeds along the way.

There are many ‘religions’ with doctrines and creeds and rules and do’s and don’t’s and a coffer in which you may place your dollars to perpetuate and feed ‘their’ mouths. Personally, I prefer friendships to religions, and personal accountability to the God of my understanding rather than the interpretations of professional religionists. My ‘friends’ give me accountability and challenge me to be a better human being and I can hear them and touch them and my God will most certainly “tell” me when I have wandered off my spiritual path. I do not need a pastor or rabbi or theologian to quote a holy book to let me know I have strayed. The spiritual journey, open to what the spirit would teach, makes “people” an important part of the journey, but does not make an organized religion–with hands out for material things–in any way necessary for growth.

Having said this, there is no disdain for those who chose organized religion. It serves a great social purpose for many, and… God bless them. I hope it gives them what they need. It is, however, not the ’way’ of my spiritual journey. Each of us must find our on way, our own path. None of us has “the answer” for another. We can share ideas, share experiences, share our thoughts and feelings and beliefs… our ’personal’ knowing of OUR existence, and that is all it is… OUR knowing–not the knowing or way for another. We are all connected by a human thread, all seeds planted, but we do not grow in each other’s shadow but rather we grow strong and tall by sharing our light. For all (both still present here on earth and those who have moved on) for all who have shared their light with me, I humbly thank you.

Last comment…you will not get in life what you want; you will get in life what you are. You may attract what you want… but you will not keep it unless your reflection is who you are.

As in, I “want” an honest relationship with people may attract honest people, but if you are dishonest, you will lose that relationship.

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Oh flower growing towards the sun
reaching for the light, craving moisture
the storm clouds gathered but brought no rain.
who will notice the wilting leaves, the browning petals?
the seeds of before lie scattered, and the north wind lays waste
has the garden become unsafe?
will the wind pick the seeds up?  carry them to other lands?
or will blessed moisture arrive in time to save  what’s planted?
the flower grows now, but in what direction?
tender touches to a wilted soul come unexpected,
small drops of kindness,  storms anew,
craving growth, desiring  to produce nectar, the flower reaches
seeking noursishment from within and without,
blossoms begging, petals spread into a shadow, into doubt.
pleading for moisture… for survival,
hoping the sky will open a way to thrive~


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I have always thought of Faith as holding something as true without tangible evidence that it is so.  Then again, what is ‘tangible evidence?’  If I see it and feel it, but cannot hold it in my hand, is this tangible?  We are a long way from God, yet God is within us, a part of us… is that tangible?  If I am a long way from my heart of hearts, yet he is within me, a part of me… is that tangible?  What faith is required to believe in either?  Is it a knowing? a feeling? a belief?  Is the experience of that which can not be held in the hand a tangible experience? 
We are connected thru energy… tendrils of energy that link us, bind us to God and to one another.  This energy can be felt, even seen when the eye is prepared to behold.  It is a spiritual energy that moves thru us, around us, between us… spirit… elusive and ever present.  Faith is required, for sure to access and feel spiritual energy.  Journeys of the spirit, ever in the present, linked thru the past, into the future… ALL is NOW.  Our birth, our death.  Two end points where the in between is the eternal now.  Open to the experience of NOW, we see, feel, touch, breathe in all of our existence.  The Way is open.  How much does the ability to live in faith impact our journey?
Dreams can be so beautiful, but the closeness of thy body was real~
Love and faith moving as one
light the way into this next moment
time eternal reveals
that your hearts desire IS,
 even as you move towards a destination,
forget not the journey
made up of those moments in time.
enjoy each one, remember them, drink of them
BE where you are,
live in faith and love and know
all is good

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I Believe

1.  Everything talks to us–we just don’t listen well
2.  Fear kills the mind and heart, and immobilizes the soul
3.  that {acceptance} is the answer to all of our problems
4.  we are all threads in the fabric of life, connected near and far and that we are all capable of feeling that connection,
do feel the connection, but fear causes us to doubt what we feel
5.  love is worth the risk
6.  pain is for our growth–like gold, we must needs be fired to shine.  Pain makes us TENDER
7.  people lie to themselves religiously (fear)
8.  the mirror is our friend.  it can show us much if we would but look
9.  others are our best mirror
10. most people fear close associations because they believe deep inside that if we know them as they truly are, we will not like them
11. God’s love is visible through sincere action
12. most don’t have a clue what motivates them to do what they do
13. life is a gift, and so is death
14. that with freedom, comes responsibility
15. that when you hear "truth" it will awaken within you a sensation that this is something you have known all along
16. the universe is a friendly place
17. all conflict we face is an opportunity for growth and given to us for our growth… and that if we do not decipher what it is we need to learn, a similar conflict will arise at a future time to give us another opportunity to learn the lesson.
18.  running away doesn’t work–"though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we will find it not."  Henry David Thoreau
19. self-deception prevents many from knowing when they are running
20. there can be no peace within until we are willing to accept ourselves just the way we are
21. internal dialogue that is unrecognized and untamed will make you physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually sick
22. physical death is not an inevitability–merely a reflection of our lack of spiritual growth
23. there can be no peace on earth until there is but one religion
24. that no matter how bright the light, if the door is closed you will sit in darkness
25. lonliness has an internal locus of control and is a spiritual dilemma
26. few understand secondary gains and how they keep us stuck
27. we are all healers, but we don’t trust our touch
28. we need to be careful about what we wish for because the granting may not be what we expected
29. we have free will
30. ego interfers with our ability to know God’s will
31. even when the spirit is willing, weakness of the flesh will slow our growth, but not prevent it if the spirit remains
32. there is a good argument against altruism, but that’s not a bad thing
33. we are taught in our deep sleep–some being more attuned than others to recognize the teaching
34. in karma~ what comes around, goes around
35. that we are unknowingly acting like we’re God when we condemn ourselves for the mistakes we make
36. all answers lie within and everything we need to know will be revealed when we are ready to listen
37. that personally revealed truth has lasting value and deepens our being~ we do others a dis-service by providing
answers that they themselves hold
38. some become unwittingly comfortable in their pain and wear it like a cloak for protection
39. real friendship is rare.  too few don’t show themselves friendly, despite their words, they cannot make time for you
when the friendship imposes on their time
40.  when we break promises it visciously erodes our self esteem, leads to distrust and self-doubt, and can destroy a
childs ability to trust
41. it’s better to not make promises until you become omincient
42. there is no greater joy to be felt than when you actually "feel" your connection to humanity, when you ‘know’ and
‘feel that connection to another human.  takes you so far beyond the feelings of the flesh it literally takes your breath
away and gives the physical body chills.
43. we all have our shadows.  know your shadows. embrace them with love and help them to move in balance with
your light.
44. no one is without baggage.  empty the bags as you become aware of the baggage.
45. it is best to take care of your unfinished emotional business on this planet.  Why take it on to the next level when you can achieve some harmony by taking care of that unfinished business that is your part.
46. you are not responsible for how someone else feels
47. it is not another persons responsibility to make you happy.  If your joy becomes based on what another does or
doesn’t do, it is emotional blackmail.
48. the pity pot has it’s place.  get on it if you need to, but be sure to flush often and pay attention to what’s going
49. while we may be unclear about our motives, God isn’t
50. God loves you, and so I try
(this must be stated, for as much as I love humanity, people sometimes really make me mad and it’s hard to love when
you have anger towards someone)
My thanks to God and to those of you who are helping me grow spiritually….  
You know who you are–don’t doubt the gifts you give
****Written Dec. 29, 2005 and posted in "The Circle" under Spiritual Beliefs

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Just a few more Musings…

It is not easy to type with a cat in your lap 🙂  It has been said that dogs make us think we are the greatest thing alive, so God gave us cats to remind us we are not.
Angst and turmoil.  Isn’t it great?  No, you might say… think again.  What chance have we to move onward in our spiritual journey without it?  The plateaus provide delightful views and certainly give us a chance to enjoy those moments strung together, but it is the angst and turmoil that propels our growth.
Poetry has been pitifully falling from my fingers here lately… haven’t written poetry for years.  Haiku, prose, crap… use to put it on paper all the time.  Now here I be, floundering in angst, once again trying to find words to paint the current moment.  Sometimes I feel like I am going to die, leave here soon.  Is this something that happens to us all as we get older?  It is not that I am particularly concerned or believe it more than it is… but Dick’s death, and the fact that there was no unfinished business there, makes me want to keep all things current, leave nothing unsaid that is worth saying, not miss any opportunity to… Carpe Diem?  my latin sucks LOL
Nothing is pouring out as last nite did… but it did occur to me that perhaps I might need to reread one on my 40page+ life history things stored somewhere.  What do you all think?  Is it worth while to revisit our history?  reflect on where we were?  read about yourself again after writing about yourself?  see if you "missed" something worthwhile?  or is that just way too much self?  better to get a good biography on someone interesting?  no rush to decide that one.  If I die, wont matter.  If I live can consider another day. 
All that ever was and all that ever will be, IS.  Moments strung together in the eternal now.  Who is to say where those moments will lead us?  Who can know?  but if all that ever was and all that ever will be, IS… then we are already there in that moment that seems but a thought or a feeling or a part of our being to nebulous to be recognized by the flesh.  Odd how clarity is fleeting and lasting simultaneously.  Dreams can be so beautiful, but the closeness of thy (body) is real… too real in the clear and present…  twin souls are rare, but not unheard of.  It has been said that we do not get in life what we want, we get in life what we are…  Brings me back to last nights musings.  I do not think much of myself these days.  Still wonder how such blessings abound for this wretched soul, filled with angst, fear, loathing, for the base while longing for the pure, noble and spiritual.  Balance.  Equanamity.  Jesus had it–the man, not the God… and He experienced much angst.  Guess if he could bear it, then, alas, so can we.  Not quite as much at stake with ours 🙂  just one tiny soul seeking to find it’s way thru the muddle of physicality with different vibrations competing for attention.  *sigh 

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Does death leave a hole in everyone?  Like a sudden vacuum that sucks the very fabric of you being out into the universe… leaving desparation to fill the void…  We like to think we are unique, us humans.  We are not so unique.  Pain is pain and all feel it.  What I am finding disturbing is some sense of self-righteousness that creeps in from small gifts given, deceptions of the heart causing people to not be who they really are.  When we first met, there was an ease that is removed now.  Poof and it is ok, no apologies, no explanations.  Ease from one moment to the next.  Then comes the tension, the rubbing together, and too much awareness of one another.  Is inevitable.  Souls mesh.  Hearts touch.  Juggling…  Roller coaster.  Floods of emotions from anyone I touch.  What is real and what is a dream made from longing?  God I love so much… and having said that, where does that bitch come from??? She certainly shows her ass.  So which is it?  lover or bitch?  The quest for balance continues, but every thing has changed.  and nothing has change.  go figure.  Images flood my mind… from where?  just where do those dang images come from?  tinkering hands, heads cocked side ways, stares into space, heads bowed down into hands, hands stroking the creatures around them, eyes in the mirror, cluthing of wooden objects, pauses to breathe with swallowing of tears, laughter hiding a deeper longing, paint to the canvas before him he pauses and sighs, music playing softly a soulful tune, pacing and fretting the decisions to be made, a hand laid softly on my soul, pictures swirling around a mind filled with both certainty and confusion, a pillow held tightly, a heart held lightly… I wonder if it will ever be clear, or will it be as they once told me~ All will be revealed as you are ready to see and when the time is yours to know.  Ah, but the mystery of life.  The grand and beautiful mystery we can live if engaged. 
My cat cannot stay out of my lap when evenings approach.  there is something comforting about stroking his fur.  When I was so ill, he was with me constantly, giving comfort, staying close as if to let me know all would be ok, purring whenever I stroked my hand across his back.  I love my cat. 
"The Breeze" plays… that flute is so very haunting.  Raises goose bumps across my flesh.  SHITITITITTITITIT What the F is going on???? Crazy.  I am nucking futs.  only explanation.  Insane.  loony as a betsy bug.  You were there when I needed a savior, someone to pull me thru some how, I’ve been hurt so many times… How in the dickens did that album come into my possession at just the time was needed most???? ANSWER ME, dammit.  Why?  How?  so undeserving I feel, to have been blessed to know Dick for so many years and then to have… others become the greater blessing.  I am afraid or what this vacuum has done.  I know, I know… fear is the mind killer.  the fear is being faced, but God I do not want to lose another friend thru my stupidity and ignorance.  The lord of chaos spins around me and thru his veil havoc is reeked.  Why is it that chaos seems to enter into the lives of those I get close to?  If there is little, more comes.  If the seeds have sprouted, they grow… there is no growth without spiritual agitation and psychic conflict… perhaps that explains some of it.  Welcome.  I will challenge you to look deeper into yourself, as you challenge me to do the same.  The lord of chaos will not reign, only push towards the light in those who seek the truth of themselves.  Only one who has lived on this planet held a perfect and proper appraisal of himself, and it aint you 🙂  winding down… the pressure dwindles… peace can find it’s place for a moment.  I really miss Dick.  He would be the one I would call at these times of angst.  One of twelve… I wonder who took his place.   Even they do not know, will not know until they too have departed.  Alas, I must needs go.  Physical responsibilities, you know.

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